In September, 2001 a young band from Los Angeles, USA came together when the teenage daughters of three rock industry types found a shared passion for music and vegetarianism. Childhood friends Elizabeth 'Z' (pronounced 'zee') Berg, Charlotte Froom and Tennessee Thomas had grown up together, their parents moving in the same music industry circles. As such, all the girls had been immersed in rock from a very young age and it wasn't too long before it was discovered by their fathers that 'Z' had been writing songs and was interested in joining a band.
Our dads were at a party and Charlotte's dad was like, 'My daughter's band is looking for a singer-slash-guitarist!' And my dad said, 'My daughter's a singer-slash-guitarist!'
- Z
After a little helping hand from their enthusiastic and music industry savvy parents, the new band soon developed their own unique sound. It would be easy to slot this sound into the 'indie' bracket, but apparently there is much more to the band than that. The girls describe their music as:
An 'early clue' to 'the new direction'. Melodic, hot, precocious, purple, blue and silver, with an undertone of peach and maroon. It looks like periwinkle, it smells like lavender, and it tastes... kind of like blueberry ice cream.
Others have likened The Like to late 1980s/early 1990s 'alternative' rock band The Sundays, and have even referred to their style as 'angry-girl' music. A simpler pigeonhole for The Like would be 'rock', but arguments over their sound aside, they are remarkably talented and energetic musicians - and fun to listen to, dispelling the critics' cries of nepotism and favouritism due to their fathers' backgrounds.
Like, you know?
Naming a band is often a very complex and difficult procedure, taking into consideration many factors such as its 'coolness', originality, marketability, and whether it rolls off the tongue or sticks in the craw. However, with the girls it was simple. Tennessee's mother suggested that they call themselves after the thing that all three of them dropped into their conversations, the habit of saying 'like' all the time. So, you know, the like were like, pretty soon, The Like
On September 18, 2009, The Like posted a message on their MySpace page introducing new members Reni Lane and Laena Geronimo. The blog was entitled 'The Like 2.0'. They also posted a link to a free download of their new single, 'Fair Game'.
Below is the link to thier myspace page